Christopher Holt Law
Your Attorney
Your Advocate
Your Voice
Regardless of your situation we can help. I am Christopher G. Holt, a Gulfport attorney handling bankruptcy, criminal law and family law matters for clients throughout the Mississippi Gulf Coast.

Within your complaint, you’ll need to attest that you or your spouse has been a resident of the state for six months, and you’ll need to state a ground for divorce.
Child Custody
One of the most important aspects for parents going through a divorce is child custody. In Mississippi, both parents have equal rights to their children
Child Support
Legal cases involving money, divorce, or child custody are some of the most painful and emotional in our courts of law. Child support cases involve all three issues.
Every child deserves a home. Adults also need the connections that a family brings. There are fees involved for home studies completed by some private agencies. However, many families use low-cost or almost no-cost adoption and foster options every year.
In order to file for Mississippi guardianships, you’ll have to file a petition with the local court, undergo investigation from the court, testify in front of the court, and eventually be approved if a judge determines the guardianship is in the best interests of the ward.
Property Division
In Mississippi, the courts accept a fair and reasonable property division the parties agree to, but if the parties cannot agree, the property is divided by the Mississippi Court.
Sometimes people accumulate personal debts beyond their ability to pay. Sometimes the only solution is to declare bankruptcy. The U.S. Bankruptcy Code has two methods for individuals to settle their debts, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13.
Estate Planning
Estate planning has many sections. For example, living wills are documents outlining your health care and end-of-life preferences.
Criminal Law
Crimes can be generally separated into four categories: felonies, misdemeanors, inchoate offenses, and strict liability offenses.